Even More Ways To Help
From Natural Resources Defense Council:
I know you join me in sending our thoughts and prayers to our 40,000 Members
and activists who live in the hurricane-stricken areas of Louisiana,
Mississippi, Alabama and Florida. Many members of the NRDC family -- and
millions of others -- are in urgent need of assistance as they struggle to
emerge from the terrible aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. If you are moved to
donate, we recommend the following two websites that list highly-rated
charities assisting in the relief effort:
From American Jewish World Service:
If you wish to respond to this disaster through the Jewish community, I recommend that you direct your donation to Mazon at www.mazon.org or the United Jewish Communities at www.ujc.org.
As the situation develops, and if there is a way for American Jewish World Service to become directly involved in the relief efforts on the ground, I promise to let you know how you can help us.
From AmeriCares:
Please join us in helping our fellow Americans by making a generous donation to the Hurricane Relief Fund. We have the necessary supplies and need your help to get them to the affected areas as soon as humanly possible!
From World Vision:Please give to the victims of Hurricane Katrina like they're family! Join us in prayer for hurting children and families in the Gulf region, and please send a donation of any size today.
From Sojourners:
If you wish to make a contribution to help with disaster relief, contact one of the following agencies recommended by FEMA (the Federal Emergency Management Agency) or the relief organization of your choice.
+ Click here for more information on how to help