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World Conscience

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Indonesia Earthquake: World Vision responds

New Action:

From World Vision:

Dear Friend,

Right now, people on the island of Nias, in Indonesia, are searching through the rubble of their homes and communities for survivors of the 8.7 earthquake that killed hundreds of people on Monday.

World Vision is responding to their needs. We are airlifting in 10,000 Family Survival Kits, containing things like food, water, clothing, and tents. We will also be rebuilding 35 schools that were destroyed by the massive quake.

Here are two things you can do right now to help World Vision respond to this disaster and others like it around the world:

Thank you for your quick and generous response!

Rich Stearns

Please forward this information to friends and family members who may also want to help. And choose the best way for you to help homeless, hurting children and families right now:

Your caring will make a tremendous difference. Please respond today!

Darkness to Light Call to Action: End the Epidemic

New Action:

From Darkness To Light:

1 IN 4 GIRLS AND 1 IN 6 BOYS WILL BE SEXUALLY ABUSED BEFORE THEY ARE 18 YEARS OLD. The statistic is alarming. The results are devastating.

Because April is National Child Abuse Prevention month, Darkness to Light has taken our message out on the road! Our new mascot Angie the Ant, artist Jeffrey Kennedy, and Darkness to Light staff members are on a tour of the eastern seaboard. We believe that just like the ant changes its landscape one grain of sand at a time, working together, we can change consciousness about sexual abuse and its prevention one community at a time.

YOU CAN HELP! Visit www.darkness2light.org/antmarch to find out if Angie is coming to a city near you. Can't join us? Make a personal commitment to protect children in your community by joining our virtual Ant March at www.darkness2light.org/antmarch/join_vm.asp. It's very simple and doesn't cost a thing

Help us get the word out by sending this email to 10 friends, and ask them to send this to 10 friends, and so on...

For more information, visit www.darkness2light.org/antmarch

100 days later, children still need your voice.

New Action:

From Save The Children:

One hundred days after the tsunami, children need your voice.

Many of the victims hardest hit by the tsunami are the children who lost parents, homes, schools and a sense of security. Recent media reports have confirmed that 80 percent of the victims were women and children. After the television cameras and news reporters have gone, these children will continue to be vulnerable to trauma, exploitation, threat of trafficking, physical harm, exploitation and gender-based violence, recruitment into armed groups, and family separation brought on by this natural disaster. As Asia continues on its road to recovery, the needs of the most vulnerable must not be forgotten.

Right now as part of a supplemental spending package, the Senate is considering funding specifically dedicated to protecting vulnerable women and children affected by the tsunami. Including support for the protection of women and children in these countries will ensure that the United States government has the resources to protect these populations from the violence, exploitation, and emotional distress that can occur after a natural disaster.

Please act now and send a message urging your Senators to support an amendment to include money for child protection in the emergency spending bill.

Kurdish Women's Rights Activist Summoned to Revolutionary Court in Iran

New Action:

From Defender Alert Network:

Kurdish Women's Rights Activist Summoned to Revolutionary Court in Iran

When the Iranian government refused to register the Association of Kurdish Women for the Defense of Peace and Human Rights, Dr. Roya Toloui, one of its founding members, spoke out. In what appears to be retaliation, Dr. Toloui was summoned to appear before a revolutionary court in Sanandaj on April 5, for interrogation.

Dr. Toloui is a leading Kurdish women's rights and human rights activist and a champion of the rights of Iran's Kurdish minority rights and women's rights in Iran.

Dr. Toloui is an outspoken nonviolent critic of the policies of the Iranian government. The revolutionary prosecutor in Sanandaj, the capital of Iran's Kordestan province, has claimed that her public comments jeopardize national security. She has also been criticized for being photographed not wearing a headscarf that all women in Iran are required to wear in public.

Join Human Rights First in supporting Dr. Toloui's right to freedom of expression. Urge the Iranian government to cease its harassment and intimidation of human rights advocates.

Take Action

Click Here to Take Action: http://action.humanrightsfirst.org/campaign/toloui/ii86xu6r1768kbe

Click here for more information on Dr. Roya Toloui.

Join 10 million people in 70 countries with the click of a mouse!

Event Reminder:

From Oxfam America:

We are writing to you today about an exciting moment in the history where citizens from around the world will gather to take action for trade justice.

Next week, 10 million people in 70 countries will be participating in The Global Week of Action from April 10-16th. This promises to be the largest mobilization for trade justice ever and an unique opportunity for campaigners and people living in poverty to come together to insist that world leaders change the rules of trade and help to make poverty history.

In the United States alone, Oxfam America supporters have organized more than 250 events in 43 states, many of which are on our online events calendar.

And there is still time to get involved! You can participate in a local event, organize your own with just a few friends, or take personal action by just picking up the phone. It's fun, it's energizing and it's powerful!

Is your calendar booked next week? Then take personal action! Mark your calendar with reminders for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday April 11-13 and keep this email as a reference. On each day, simply go to http://www.oxfamamerica.org/weekofaction and take these easy steps:

Monday, April 11: Fairness for Farmers Call-In
Help us kick off the week with a phone call to your Senators asking for fairness for farmers in US and the developing world. Contact your Senators by phone, and urge support for the Rural America Preservation Act.

Tuesday, April 12: Supermarket Call-In
Check out Fair Trade! Call and email your local supermarkets to inform them about Fair Trade coffee and encourage them to carry and promote it. Also read more about our forthcoming report "The Coffee Crisis Continues."

Wednesday, April 13: CAFTA Call-In
Voice your opposition to the Central America Free Trade Agreement, and urge your Representative and Senators to do the same. Both the Senate and House are holding hearings on CAFTA on this very day.

Please be sure to let us know what actions you took, and any notable responses from your phone calls. Send a message to maketradefair@oxfamamerica.org.

Thanks to all of you, it's going to be an amazing week!


Brian Rawson
Trade Campaign Organizer
Oxfam America