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World Conscience

Thursday, June 16, 2005

Ask Congress to say No to Unfair Trade

New Action:

From Oxfam America:

It has been one year since the US and Central American
governments signed CAFTA. But due to widespread opposition, the
Bush Administration and Congressional leadership have been
unable to bring it to a vote -

Until now.

The Bush Administration has stepped up its campaign to get CAFTA
passed, and the latest word is that the US House and Senate will
try to bring it to a vote as early as next week.

Increased trade can reduce poverty and encourage development.
But CAFTA is the wrong way. This trade agreement would harm the
economic future of Central America's poor. In fact, Oxfam
analysis shows that the agreement is likely to create more
poverty-especially among poor farmers.

Please email your Representative and Senators today. Urge him or
her to vote NO on CAFTA and make this position public:


Help us spread the word and stop this devastating trade
agreement by forwarding your message to your friends. Ask them
to join you in promoting Make Trade Fair:


Thank you again for all your help.


Vicky Rateau
Trade Campaign Manager
Oxfam America


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