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World Conscience

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Sign the Tsunami Relief Petition

New Action:

From Mercy Corps:

Sign the Tsunami Petition

The Indian Ocean tsunami and its aftermath revealed a lot about the world we live in: the unbridled fury of nature, the courage and strength of ordinary people and amazing generosity in the face of unimaginable crisis. Most of all, though, the past several weeks have demonstrated the undeniable power of people working together.

Since the emergency's first hours, Mercy Corps has delivered lifesaving aid and assistance to over 250,000 tsunami survivors. Today, we're standing with courageous communities and pitching in to help families as they rebuild their homes, lives and dreams.

Mercy Corps is committed to helping tsunami survivors fully recover from their ordeal. Our innovative economic, agricultural and educational programs are helping families take their next steps into a brighter future.

You can help Mercy Corps' ongoing efforts by signing our online tsunami relief petition. Together with our partner The Hunger Site, ask President Bush and other lawmakers to keep their commitment to fully fund promised tsunami relief efforts, while also meeting the needs of those suffering from conflict and famine in places like Sudan and Congo. You can read and sign the petition here.

Mercy Corps believes in the power of people working together - we work with communities, families and brave individuals every day to affect change and improve lives. Today, we're asking for your help to make sure vulnerable families continue to receive the critical relief and assistance they need.

Please sign the tsunami relief petition today. Thank you for your kind support.


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