Help Keep Up the Pressure: Stop Persecution of Sudanese Activists
From Human Rights First:
Help Keep Up the Pressure: Stop Persecution of
Sudanese Activists
Massive violations of human rights and humanitarian law have been committed in the Darfur region of Sudan. Civilians have been victims of mass killings, rape and other serious forms of sexual violence, burning of villages, and forced displacement.
Sudanese human rights activists have an essential role to play in informing the world about the continuing human rights crisis in their country, and they carry out their work at great personal risk.
Human rights activist Dr. Mudawi Ibrahim Adam was arrested by Sudanese government security forces at his home on January 24, 2005. Dr. Mudawi is chairperson of the Sudan Social Development Organization (SUDO), an organization actively monitoring human rights violations in Darfur, and was the subject of an earlier Human Rights First alert.
Thanks to pressure from the Defender Alert Network and other initiatives, after a month of detention in unknown locations, known as "ghost houses," Dr. Mudawi was finally allowed a visit from his family on February 23. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Mudawi was then released from government custody.
Following his release, however, the Sudanese government reportedly stated that, because of Dr. Mudawi's hunger strike, it may prosecute Dr. Mudawi for violation of a criminal law against attempted suicide. If they do so, Dr. Mudawi could soon be sent back to the "ghost houses" or another detention facility.
Mr. Salah Mohammed Abdalrahman, a volunteer with SUDO, was detained along with Dr. Mudawi. Mr. Salah's whereabouts are still unknown, however, and concern for his well-being is mounting.
Your action can make a difference. Please call for the immediate release of Mr. Salah and an end to the persecution of Dr. Mudawi and other human rights activists in Sudan.
Click Here to Take Action: http://action.humanrightsfirst
Click here for more information on Dr. Mudawi.
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